Highlights from Webinar with National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre (NVPC)
On 24th of November, in collaboration with the National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre (NVPC), Savour! Participated in a Zoom webinar titled “Tech Talks: Improving Procurement and Sponsorship for Non-profits with Savour!”, with over 80 representatives from various non-profit organizations in Singapore. The webinar’s objective for attendees is to learn how e-procurement can help your nonprofit reduce cost and improve efficiency. Katrina, the CEO of Savour!, shared about who is Savour!, what services we offer, how can social organisations benefit from the services we offer, and what are the benefits.
Joining us for the webinar was one of Savour!’s B2B customers, National Arthritis Foundation (NAF). Gerald, the programmes and marketing director of NAF, shared with the audience about his positive experiences working with Savour! since the very start. Gerald from NAF shared what its organisation does, how has Savour! helped its operations, what are the benefits faced as well as advice to give other NPOs. The webinar ended off with a series of Q&A.
Interested to try out Savour!’s platform to benefit your organization?
You can sign up your organization for an account for FREE now to start procuring via our web platform: https://app.savourapp.co
Once you have signed up for an account on our web platform and start placing orders and sponsorships, you can redeem your orders and sponsorships by downloading our app here:
1.Download our ios app here:
2. Download our Android app here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.savour